CBD Oil For Dog Acne
Date Published: 2019-05-10
Date Updated: 2019-05-10
We know what you’re thinking: “Dogs can get acne?!”
Well, the answer to that question is, yes. Dogs can develop pimples, and just like it’s no fun for us, it’s also no fun for them.
When your dog starts to break out, keep in mind that the process they are facing is quite painful. You’ll want to do any and everything in your power to get rid of the issue at hand. That’s why we’re here to help! Check out our advice on Bulldog acne below.
Should I practice better hygiene with my dog?
For starters, you should always practice good hygiene with your dog; but it’s okay, we get it. Sometimes even the best of hygiene regimes can lead to acne formation.
Even still, try to give your dog a bath once a week or once every other week to see if the acne problems subside.
If your dog happens to have acne around the mouth, you might want to start brushing your dog’s teeth daily. You can also give him or her dental treats to help the problem.
What should I use when washing my dog?
If you’re bathing your dog once a week, you should be mindful that you are using the proper products that are safe for your dog’s already irritated skin. What’s your best bet? Purchase a medicated or antibacterial shampoo, specifically one with aloe vera in it, if you can find it.
NEVER use human shampoo, as the chemicals in the solution can be too harsh and may cause too much irritation to your dog’s skin.
Can I let the acne run its course?
Because acne is not the #1 painful conditions that can occur, you can try to let it run its course. Be mindful that you should never try to pop the pimples, as this could cause the spread of bacteria.
If the condition persists, visit your vet to get further advice; do not wait too long.
Can I use CBD oil to help banish my dog’s acne?
CBD oil can decrease inflammation throughout the body. Acne is summarized down to a bacterial infection of the skin that causes inflammation, therefore CBD oil can work its magic and help almost all acne problems subside.
Start with a low dosage, as you can always increase the dosage if necessary. The CBD oil should take effect in just a short number of days, leaving your dog feeling happy and healthy.
What else can CBD oil help with?
CBD oil is known to help Bulldogs with a variety of issues, including but not limited to the following:
- Hip dysplasia
- Cherry eye
- Patellar luxation
- Spina Bifida
- Pulmonic stenosis
It’s important to speak with your vet before giving your dog CBD oil. Many vets are suggesting the use of CBD products now; as they’ve seen that the oils and treats have helped numerous dogs with countless problems.