CBD oil testimonials from Lionel
Date Published: 2018-12-18
Date Updated: 2018-12-18
- Joint Pain, Arthritis, Hip Dysplasia
Lionel loves to play fetch. Lionel loves to eat treats. Lionel loves to be… Lionel. He’s a super good dog and a super good friend. Yet there’s just one thing wrong: He has a ton of seizures.
I got Lionel when he was 3-years-old. I adopted him at a local shelter. I knew from the moment I saw him that he was going to hold a special place in me and my daughter’s life. That’s why when he started to have the seizures, my heart sank.
Lionel was a healthy pup up until he reached age 4. The seizures started and my first mistake was trusting the vet to take care of him. The vet prescribed a medication called Phenobarbital, and it had some seriously awful side effects. Needless to say, I took him off the medication as soon as possible.
That’s when I started my own research on the matter. I came to find that CBD oil has helped dogs with several ailments, and epileptic issues were one of them! I started to read the reviews and comments on CBD oil products, and they all seemed to be fantastic. That’s when I figured I’d try it out myself.
And so I did. Lionel loved his new life. The seizures stopped and he had not one unwanted side effect due to the oil. I’m pleased to say that ever since I gave him that CBD oil a little over a year ago, he has not had a single seizure since. I’m very grateful for this product, especially because we now have our loving Lionel back.