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Jilly Uses CBD Oil to Help with Her Bone & Thyroid Cancer

Jilly loved the life she lives, until she was diagnosed with bone and thyroid cancer. Not one, but two horrible cancers were putting a damper on her life. What’s worse is that Jilly had a hard time fighting both cancers. The vet prescribed different medications to try and help her from all of the unwanted symptoms both cancers brought along, but not seemed to work as well as expected. And, the medications were just adding to the list of unwanted side effects, which made Jilly’s owner irritated and sad. Jilly’s oncologist spoke to Jilly’s owner one day, stating that it didn’t look like the pup was going to make it through this horrific battle, but that only motivated the owner to take action against the statement. Jilly’s owner jetted home to do some research, and luckily found that CBD oil can help treat a number of cancers, including bone and thyroid. That’s when the transition happened: Out with the prescription drugs and in with the CBD oil. And, what’s more is that the oil was actually cheaper than the prescription drugs, accompanied by not one harmful side effect. Jilly and the owner were both ecstatic, especially when the product started to kick in and drastically change Jilly’s mood and actions. Now, Jilly still has bone and thyroid cancer, but it sure doesn’t seem that way. All it takes is a few drops twice a day to turn this pups frown and mood right-side up. Check out the video to learn more. video credit

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